
Thanks to all our volunteers...

If you are interested in helping us on one of our trips and assisting with our workshops or conducting one yourself, please contact us. We would love to hear your ideas for new projects. Our Volunteer Application is below.

In addition to the immense feeling of accomplishment, the profound experience, the educational value, and the positivism that volunteering to do art workshops with children brings, you also get a great T-shirt, good camaraderie, and a travel experience of a lifetime.

We stay at popular, safe, friendly B and Bs and are quite happy in our accommodations. The cost for most volunteers will be under 25 US dollars per day with a shared room and meals. WIGUIWTB does cover in-country bus and cab fares, but we do not cover airfares. 

Photos of our volunteers and workshops in action:


Name: ________________________________Age:____________

Reason for wanting to volunteer with WIGUIWTB:
_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________
Describe a specific workshop you would like to lead, or other way you would like to help:

Please provide us with three references and their contact information:
1. ______________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________

__ I agree to a background check.

Signature:________________________  Date:___________________